About Me

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I work at Applebees in Mays landing. I just moved down to Galloway from Medford, in an apartment around the beginning of September with my 2 best friends. I have about 3 semesters left at Stockton and then I'm graduating with a B.A. in Sociology. I made this page for my Anthropological Field Methods class to do research on two adolescents for ten weeks.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Week 1

I began my research with two adolescent females from my home town, Medford, N.J. One which to be a closer relative, and the other to be a female whom I used to babysit. Both are 16 years old and go to the same high school. they had always been good friends however recently, they began to become more distant than they have in the past. My project is to become close to each female and understand junior's in high school today, and compare it to my past. So far, I think that one of the females, whom I won't give their identification, is much concerned with her social life and what other people think of her. I will call her Jamie, and she seems to have drifted away from what's important to her and moved on to people and things that shouldn't mean anything to her in the long run. I found out she was just caught stealing with two of her "new" friends from an expensive clothing store, and over $500 of merchandise between the three of them. It bothers me that she seems to be trying to fit it way too much, because she has the type of parents that would buy her anything in a heart beat because of how much they love and care about her. The other female, whom I'll refer to as Jenn, has taken the opposite path and knows what she wants in life. She is a very intelligent female who knows what's important in life and knows what she loves to do, no matter what anybody thinks of her. Her passion is horse back riding, which she believes she will always do. She is extremely independent and relies on herself and herself only. I hope during my research I will be able to help Jamie realize what is important in life based on my high school experience, which wasn't too long ago.